Islamabad (PR): Chief Secretary Gilgit-Baltistan (GB) Mohyuddin Ahmed Wani along with a delegation of provincial secretaries visited the National University of Science and Technology (NUST) Islamabad to promote cooperation between the G-B government and NUST.
The delegation was warmly welcomed by NUST’s Pro-Rector for Research, Innovation, and Commercialization Air Vice Marshal (R) Dr. Rizwan Riaz.
On the occasion, Air Vice Marshal (Rtd) Rizwan Riaz and the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (SEECS) briefed the Chief Secretary on various areas of mutual interest including incubation, sustainable development initiatives in Gilgit-Baltistan and digital possibilities for monitoring and reporting.

The delegation of Gilgit-Baltistan was also briefed regarding various ongoing projects at the National University of Science and Technology, including the use of artificial intelligence in the fields of agriculture, forestry, education, vehicle monitoring, and data analytics in broadcast television and social media.
Later, the Chief Secretary also paid a visit to the National Science and Technology Park and the School of Interdisciplinary Engineering and Sciences (SINES) where he met with the Principal, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Air Vice Marshal Dr. Muhammad Ajmal Khan and Dr. Hamad Cheema.
Chief Secretary Gilgit-Baltistan informed the NUST administration about the various initiatives introduced by the government of Gilgit-Baltistan in the field of information technology. It was also agreed to increase cooperation in the field of IT between several IT parks established in Gilgit-Baltistan and NUST.
It was also agreed to teach artificial intelligence to students in the primary schools of Gilgit-Baltistan, increase entrepreneurship opportunities through boot camps and increase cooperation to enhance the capacity of youth associated with various start-ups.

On this occasion, it was decided that a start-up expo will be organized after Eid-ul-Fitr in Gilgit-Baltistan with the cooperation of NUST. The university will also continue to support the development of the school management system in Gilgit-Baltistan. Lincoln Corners will be established in schools and colleges in the region with the support of its support.
Additionally, NUST will provide technical support in virtual tours of top tourist destinations, integrated crop monitoring, the introduction of bio-fertilizers, provision of soil testing systems, and livestock monitoring.
It also agreed to increase cooperation on the use of the Internet of Things (IOTs) for agriculture and livestock, forest monitoring, water resource estimation, urban air quality monitoring, as well the use of data analytics for broadcasting and social media.
A team consisting of technical experts of NUST will visit Gilgit-Baltistan in very soon to implement these decisions. In this regard, a letter of understanding will be signed between the government of Gilgit-Baltistan and NUST.