Civil Service Trainees Visit G-B Assembly, Receive Insightful Briefing from Speaker

Civil Service Trainees Visit G-B Assembly

Gilgit (PR): On Thursday, a group of civil service trainee officers from the Civil Service Academy Islamabad visited the Gilgit-Baltistan Legislative Assembly (GBLA).

The visiting officers received a warm welcome from the speaker of the GBLA, Nazir Ahmed Advocate.

During their visit, Speaker Nazir Ahmed Advocate provided an informative briefing on the history, structure, and functions of the Gilgit-Baltistan Assembly.

He also briefed on the legislative process, the role of the members, and the assembly’s significant contributions to the region’s development.

While speaking to the officers, Nazir Ahmed Advocate expressed his hope that they would play a productive role in Pakistan’s development through their profession.

As a token of appreciation, the speaker presented a commemorative shield to the officers on behalf of the GB Assembly.

Speaker GB Assembly Nazir Ahmed Advocate presents souvenirs to Civil Service trainees and engages in conversation during their visit.

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