
Religion as Belief system and Social Institution

This article defines and describes the concept of religion as a belief system and social institution. What is religion as a social institution?  Religion as a social institution refers to a unified system of belief system, practices, symbols, roles, rituals, etc. revolving around belief in supernatural powers. It acts as a framework for the daily…

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Shirk – Definition and Types شرک اور اقسام

This article gives a definition of shirk in literal and Islamic perspectives along with a brief but comprehensive manner.   اس تحریر میں لفظ شرک کے لغوی و اصطلاحی مفہموم اور شرک کے مختلف اقسام کو مفصل انداز میں بیان کیا گیا ہے۔  The literal definition of shirk: شرک کے لغوی معنی شرک کے لغوی معنی…

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Kant’s Theory of Good Will and Moral Duty

Categorical and Hypothetical imperative are two different rules suggested by Immanuel Kant in his theory of Goodwill and Moral duty. According to Kant, both imperatives act as the basis for the actions of a rational being in different situations. In this article, the Kantian theory of goodwill and moral duty is discussed with a reference…

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Relationship between Science and Religion

The relationship between science and religion has been at the heart of philosophical and theological discussions and debates.  To what extent, science and religion are compatible? Do religious beliefs resonate with the scientific way of thinking. Do they act as the antithesis of each other? These and other more or less similar questions are dealt…

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