G-B facing severe wheat shortage in the month of Ramazan

Gilgit-Baltistan is facing worst kind of flour shortage in the month of Ramazan

Gilgit (CR Akbar Shah): Contrary to government’s claims, the people of Gilgit-Baltistan are facing worst kind of flour shortage even in the month of Ramazan.

Earlier, the Prime Minister had directed PASCO to immediately release 25 thousand metric tons of wheat for Gilgit-Baltistan. Similarly, a notification after notification was issued to approve Rs. 4 billion as part of wheat subsidy. None of these directions has been materialized to date.

The shortage of wheat and flour is not a new issue. The crisis has been existing for last one year. Initially people received 40 kg of flour at the sale points. However, for last six months only 20 kg flour is given on subsidized rate. This has led people to protest against the government time and again.

A 20 kg bag of flour is available at Rs 3400 in the general market, unaffordable for the low income and middle class to purchase.

The G-B government had announced to ensure the availability of flour on subsidized rate at the utility stores in the month of Ramadan. However, this announcement is turned out to be a mere announcement as usual. The reality, however, is that the utility stores do not have flour on sale even on 28th Ramadan.

Except few sake points in the capital city Gilgit, none of the sale points does have flour for sale. As per reports, people will be able to buy flour from sale points only after the Eid. Amidst this all, the smuggling and black marketing of the flour is at full swing.

Last month in its meeting, the provincial cabinet had approved to limit the wheat subsidy only to the poor. However, there is no implementation on this decision. According to reports, the amount allocated for wheat subsidy also has been exhausted heralding worst kind of flour crisis after Eid.

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