Ismail Gulgee – Famous Artist From Pakistan

This article sheds light on the contribution of famous Pakistani painting artist and sculpture maker Ismail Gulgee. It also briefly discusses Gulgee’s educational journey, venture into the painting art, its characteristics including national and international acknowledgment.  Who was Ismail Gulgee?  Born in 1926 in Peshawar, Ismail Gulgee was one of the prolific painter artists and…

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Fiction – Definition and Types

In this article, I define and discuss the concept and different types of fiction in a brief but comprehensive manner.   What is fiction?  The word fiction gets its derivation from the Latin word “fictus” which means ‘to form or make’. It became a part of English to refer to making or forming something in imagination. …

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What is Politics as a Social Institution?

This article defines and discusses ‘politics’ as one of the social institutions.  What is politics as a social institution?  Politics as a social institution has many definitions. In light of these multiple definitions, one can generalize it as follows: “Politics as a social institution refers to an institutionalized system through which power is acquired and…

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Areas of Difference Between Scientific and Religious Approaches

This article describes the areas of difference between scientific and religious approaches.  Characteristics of Science The distinguishing characteristics of scientific knowledge vis a vis religious views are as follows:  1. Empirical data The term ‘science’ refers to systematic knowledge dealing with empirical data. Scientific knowledge develops through observation and measurement. People thinking and working on…

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Indo-Saracenic Architecture in Sindh

This article describes the Indo-Saracenic architecture in the province of Sindh, Pakistan. Indo-Saracenic architecture refers to the type of architecture the British patronized during their rule on the Indian subcontinent from 1857 to 1947.   Introduction  Like that of the Greek and Tuko-Afghan empires, the establishment of the British Raj also gave birth to a fusion…

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Talpur Dynasty and Architecture

This entry briefly but comprehensively describes the Talpur dynasty and architecture it patronized during its rule in Sindh from 1783 to 1843 until the annexation of Sindh by the British. However, the Talpur continued to rule under the British who confined them to the Khaipur state. The Talpur continued to rule Khairpur state till 1955…

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Kalhora Dynasty and Architecture

This post sheds light on the Kalhora dynasty and architecture it developed during its rule from 1701 to 1783 in the Sindh province of Pakistan.  Introduction of the Kalhora Dynasty Founded by  Mian Yar Muhammad Kalhoro, a Mughal governor of Upper Sindh, The Kalhora dynasty ruled Sindh between 1701 and 1783. Kalhora rulers ruled Sindh…

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