Religion as Belief system and Social Institution

This article defines and describes the concept of religion as a belief system and social institution. What is religion as a social institution?  Religion as a social institution refers to a unified system of belief system, practices, symbols, roles, rituals, etc. revolving around belief in supernatural powers. It acts as a framework for the daily…

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Kant’s Theory of Good Will and Moral Duty

Categorical and Hypothetical imperative are two different rules suggested by Immanuel Kant in his theory of Goodwill and Moral duty. According to Kant, both imperatives act as the basis for the actions of a rational being in different situations. In this article, the Kantian theory of goodwill and moral duty is discussed with a reference…

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Relationship between Science and Religion

The relationship between science and religion has been at the heart of philosophical and theological discussions and debates.  To what extent, science and religion are compatible? Do religious beliefs resonate with the scientific way of thinking. Do they act as the antithesis of each other? These and other more or less similar questions are dealt…

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What is moral relativism?

Moral Relativism

This article briefly but comprehensively describes the theory of moral relativism, its origin, importance, and critique on it.  What is Moral Relativism? The theory of Moral relativism says the moral judgments as being right or wrong are contextual. They stand true or false only relative to some particular standpoint, e.g. culture, religion, a historical period,…

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A temporary settlement of gold collectors (soniwal) in Gilgit along River Indus

Aristotle’s Moral Philosophy

This article presents a brief but comprehensive description of the four cardinal virtues as part of Aristotle’s philosophy of Morality.  What is Aristotle’s moral theory?  The moral theory of Aristotle is actually the theory of virtue ethics. Aristotle argues a good person is one who possesses virtues. It is not important to see the way…

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Religion, its Types and Theology

This article defines and discusses the concept of religion, polytheism, monotheism, and theology.  Theology  The term ‘theology’ literally refers to ‘thinking about God’. One of the classic definitions of the term theology is “faith seeking understanding”.  As an academic discipline, theology refers to a field of systematic study of the divine and different religious beliefs.  Religion…

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Edward Burnett Tylor’s Views on Religion

This entry gives a brief but comprehensive description of Sir Edward Burnett Tylor’s views on religion and science as part of ethics, an academic discipline taught at the intermediate level. Useful for both students and general readers interested in moral philosophy.  Who was Sir Edward Burnett Tylor? Sir Edward Tylor was born on October 2,…

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Rudolf Otto’s Views on Religion

This article gives a brief but comprehensive description of the views of an eminent German scholar,  theologian, and philosopher, Rudolf Otto (1869–1937) on religion.  Who was Rudolf Otto (1869–1937)? Rudolf Otto (1869–1937) is one of the most influential scholars on religion of the early twentieth century. His concept of numinous about religion gave him fame…

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