
Air Transport of Pakistan

This article is air transport of Pakistan. It discusses important aspects of air transport e.g. private and public sector airlines, domestic and international destinations, service delivery both in terms of passenger traffic and cargo operation, etc.  Air Transport The term ‘Air transport’ refers to all such man-made devices and structures that are used for the…

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Water Transport – Sea Ports of Pakistan

This post describes the location and salient features of the seaports of Pakistan i.e. Gawadar, Karachi, and Bin Qasim Port.   What does the term  ‘Water Transport’ refer to?  The term “water transport” refers to structures and devices such as ships, boats, submarines, etc. which run on water and help in travel and carriage of goods….

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Pakistan Railways

The railway is an important mode of transport the world over. Efficient rail transport plays an important role in the provision of passenger and freight traffic and the enhancement of the national economy. This article discusses rail transport with reference to Pakistan Railways.  What is rail transport? The term ‘Rail transport’ refers to the vehicles…

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Road transport of Pakistan

This article is about the road transport system in Pakistan. Road network and its area-wise distribution will be discussed along with principal roads of Pakistan i.e. Highways, Expressways, Motorways, etc. The concept ‘Road Transport’ The term ‘road transport’ refers to means of transport running on roads which we use for travel and carriage of goods…

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Reforms of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto – Nationalization and Land Reforms

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto ruled Pakistan as Prime Minister from 1972 -1977. During five years of his rule, Bhutto introduced nationalization and land reforms in Pakistan. This article discusses Bhutto’s reforms, their purpose, and their impact on the economy of Pakistan. The concept ‘Nationalization’ Nationalization refers to bring private sector companies under governmental control. The purpose…

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