Syed Jalal presents a resolution to Fed. Minister Kashmir Affairs demanding initiation of developmental works in his constituency

President PPP Ghizer GB meets Federal Minister Kashmir affairs Qamar Zaman Kaira

Islamabad: President Pakitan Peoples Party Ghizer district of Gilgit-Baltistan Syed Jalal Ali Shah met Federal minister Kashmir Affairs Qamar Zaman Kaira on Thursday in Islamabad.

During the meeting, Syed Jalal presented a resolution demanding the construction of RCC bridges in Japukay and Hatoon, a metalled road from Chatorkhand to Imit, and water channel in Das Japukey and Babur villages located in his constituency.

The resolution also demanded the regularization of Baitulmal employees.

Federal minister Kaira assured Syed Jalal to resolve issues faced by the people of the said villages. He also pledged to visit the Ghizer district of Gilgit-Baltistan very soon.

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