Manmade Fences, a postmortem of patriarchal setup

Man made fences, by Ramish

Despite being a victim of manmade fences, she is a determined soul. In spite of gulping the poison of sexism and misogyny, she still manages to survive and vivaciously fights for her legal rights. She fights against an ambiance filled with manmade hindrances, traditions, standards, and stereotypes used as a tool against her.

She is labeled as rebellious, characterless, and immodest by the very people who have zero knowledge of what does it mean by modest character. With a tinted mindset of patriarchy, they resort to character assassination and smear campaigns against her.

Despite all odds created by society against her, she is determined to raise her voice and fight the oppression pointed towards her for being a girl/woman.

In the face of this ongoing cruelty to women in one form or the other, how can I remain silent to bear the same unnecessary burden of society?

I feel it important to stand with the forces struggling to ensure accountability for violation of basic rights i.e., right of security, liberty, freedom of speech, and choice. I stand with people raising their voice to safeguard the right to live fearlessly without keeping any protective measures for women when they step out of the home.

You need to be all-time vigilant as a female outside the home. Because at every breath and step, you are supposed to prove that what you do is right. In reality, you are treated against your consent and will. Society will praise you for tolerating the harassment rather than fighting it. This is something that not only smashes your inner bunches of goals and targets but snatches your purpose in life too.

Moreover, when she steps forward to break the traditional rope chain going on for decades, society snatches her liberty to think, chose, and act according to her own will. People do talk of respecting elders, following religion, and taking care of overall morality but the moral value of respecting even the accepted independence of female folks is fundamentally missing.

In the face of this mess meted out to a girl/woman by a society no state can claim to have incorporated fundamental human rights given in UNDHR in their constitutions.

She is a human like you. Recognize her as a human rather than a tool for your luxuries.


Why would you still blame her when she shouts for her legitimate rights that are only embellished in pages but neglected at the time of execution either that’s her home or the Government? She demands nothing more, she doesn’t want to withstand the other Gender, but she wants equality in the protection of her rights her needs and demands, her choice, her peace, her say, and above all her comfortability and security.

Tying her to the knot of an obedient daughter or sister, (you never know how harsh battles she fought to wear a mask of a smile) you have created an arduous, and unnatural boundary where you have defined her limits so that she can’t cross the boundary line. If she would do so, she would not come under all the targets that are acceptable in the traditional family as well as in a rotten society.

Why do you confine your daughters, sisters, wives, and mothers to your own created concrete boundaries, where every brick functions in contrast to the established fundamental right.

Your customs and boundaries as part of different cultures, beliefs, rules traditions, customs harboring gender-based hatred, patriarchal mindset, and misogynistic approaches are difficult to be broken. But I will break, the women living on this planet earth will break them to realize their real being and purpose in life.

Acting as a silent observer suffering from the same tyranny and harboring the fear of cruelty would be equivalent to strengthening the manmade fences forever. We the women and men wishing for a gender-balanced society need to stand against the misogynist elements.

The women with high ambitions in life are told to sacrifice their aims and targets to be “good wives”. They are taught to endure every situation from humiliation to injustice and claim their pride for tolerating that violation. We need to speak up, where and whenever the evil forces are trying to suppress us. We need to unlearn the very gender-related concepts poured into our minds. Let’s teach ourselves and all other women not to compromise at all.

The word “No” is not disrespectful but a right to say as a human. We have to transform this society, where the humiliation of women would not be any glorification. We have to work together to ensure the security, safety, legality, comfortability, and protection of human rights.

This is only possible when every single entity will act as an agent of change by ditching all the manmade limitations by creating your own. By being the hero of your life and motivating each other. We have to start it now, from ourselves, with our friends, with our family, in our own society.

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