Gilgit-Baltistan Youth Alliance Protests Against the Sale of Rest Houses and Tourist Spots

Gilgit-Baltistan Youth Alliance Protests Against Sale of Rest Houses and Tourist Spots

Karachi (PR): The Gilgit-Baltistan Youth Alliance staged a protest demonstration on Sunday at the Karachi Press Club against the planned sale of rest houses, motels, and tourist attractions in G-B to a private company.

The protest included participants from the National Workers Front, Gilgit-Baltistan (NWF, GB), Karakoram National Movement (KNM), Balawaristan National Front (BNF), Awami Workers Party Gilgit-Baltistan Students Federation, All Baltistan Movement, Nagar Students Federation, Bagoro Students Organization, National Students Front G-B, Balawaristan National Students Organization, Karakoram Students Organization, and other groups.

Addressing the protest, participants condemned the planned sale of the historical rest houses, motels, and tourist attractions in Gilgit-Baltistan, deeming it illegal and against the interests of indigenous people of Gilgit-Baltistan.

The following demands were made in the protest demonstration:

  1. Ensure the protection of minerals, land, and other resources of local communities by reinstating the state subject rule in the region.
  2. Delegate all powers over local resources to the local people and acknowledge their internal autonomy by establishing a new social contract.
  3. Ensure that any future project or investment is made in an agreement with the local people as a prerequisite. The ownership of the land and infrastructure should belong to the local people of Gilgit-Baltistan. Additionally, 70% of the profits and jobs generated through any project should benefit the people of Gilgit-Baltistan.
  4. Release Javed Quraishi, the leader of the Awami Action Committee from Diamer district, whose arrest according to the protestors was made on baseless charges.
  5. Immediately reinstate the terminated employees of PC Hotel Nasirabad Hunza to their positions.
Protesters are holding signs and banners, to demonstrate against the sale of rest houses, motels, and tourist attractions in Gilgit-Baltistan.

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