G-B Council members express concern on public issues

Chairman Standing Committee Muhammad Ayub Shah is presiding over the meeting of Gilgit-Baltistan Council

Gilgit (PR): Chaired by Chairman Standing Committee Muhammad Ayub, an emergency joint meeting of Gilgit-Baltistan Council members took place in Gilgit City on Sunday.

Participants of the meeting included the chairman Public Accounts Committee Iqbal Naseer, Sheikh Ahmad Ali Noori, Hashmat Ullah, Abdul Rahman, and Syed Shabih-Al-Hussain.

The council members of the Gilgit-Baltistan Council expressed their deep concern over the current crisis of wheat, electricity, and clean drinking water among many other issues in the region.

The meeting pressed on the G-B and federal governments to work on an urgent and emergency basis to get the people out of these crises.

They emphasized implementation on the orders of the G-B Chief Court and Mando Khel Committee for Affected Employees in connection with the rights of temporary employees of the G-B Council and its affiliated institutions.

The participants observed in the meeting that people are appointed on deputation on the basis of like and dislike which is a gross injustice with the temporary employees of the council and its affiliated institutions.

The participants said they are thinking about calling an emergency meeting in Islamabad immediately to determine a common plan of action for the protection of fundamental rights in Gilgit-Baltistan.

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