Humera Mehbood from Oshikhandass valley in GB Proudly Completes BS in Materials Science from Institute of Space Technology, Islamabad

From Oshikhandass to Academic Heights Humera Mehboob's Journey to Success in Material Science and Engineering

Humera Mehboob, the daughter of Mehboob Alam from Oshikhandass valley in Gilgit-Baltistan, has achieved a successful BS degree in Materials Science and Engineering from the Institute of Space Technology in Islamabad.

During her studies at Institute of Space Technology Islamabad, Humera served as a Certified Spokesperson and Student Advisor. She also remained associated with prestigious organizations such as the American Ceramic Society, the Association for Iron and Steel Technology, the Materials Information Society, and the Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society.

During the course of my studies at IST, Islamabad, I learned to adapt, embrace new experiences, and utilize available resources to excel in my academic journey, leading to success in my academic pursuits.

Humera Mehboob

Her excellent academic performance in the Aga Khan University Examination Board (AKUEB) at intermediate level, coupled with success in the admission displacement test, earned her admission at the Institute of Space Technology in Islamabad after a rigorous selection process.

In a conversation with Ibex Times, Humera described her academic journey distinctly unique as hailing from a rural area, she had to face numerous challenges on her path to success.

According to Humera, transitioning from a rural environment to an urban academic setting posed a challenge of cultural adjustment for her. The fast paced and competitive nature of higher education presented their own set of challenges. Balancing coursework, managing time, and adapting to a more independent learning style were all hurdles she had to overcome.

Financial constraints proved to be another major obstacle she had to face. Seeking scholarships was instrumental in easing some of the financial burden. Despite these hurdles, her determination, along with the unwavering support from family and mentors, coupled with a strong desire to succeed, kept her motivated.

During her conversation with Ibex Times, Humera expressed, “I learned to adjust, welcome new experiences, and make most of the available resources at hand, which allowed me to excel in my academic pursuits and ultimately achieve my degree in Materials Science and Engineering. This journey has not only positively influenced my academic achievements but has also played a pivotal role in shaping my character and fortitude”.

Transitioning from a rural environment to fast pace and competitive urban academic setting was a challenge. Balancing coursework, time management, and adapting to independent learning were hurdles I had to overcome.

Humera Mehboog

Humera owes her academic achievements to her parents, particularly her mother, who provided crucial emotional support throughout her educational journey. She also owes it to  her elder brother for his support and belief in her, which served as a motivating force in her pursuit of educational goals.

Moreover, Humera expresses her gratitude to her teachers, recognizing their vital role in enabling her to attain significant accomplishments. She thanks them for their guidance, dedication, and willingness to go above and beyond for their students as the primary reason for her success.

In a message to young people interested in the field, she advises them to maintain persistence and a passion for innovation, emphasizing that Materials Science and Engineering is a vast field in which staying updated with emerging technologies is vital. She encourages them to view every challenge as an opportunity for learning and innovation.

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