Equipment from Electrical Transformer Stolen In Fitidas Goharabad Punial; Residents Demand Swift Action

Equipment from Electrical Transformer Stolen In Fitidas Goharabad Punial

Ghizer (Police): According to Ghizer police, unknown individuals have stolen valuable cables, AVR machine parts, and other essential items from an electrical transformer installed in Fitidas Goharabad, which is used to lift water from the river for irrigation purposes.

The electrical transformer was installed by a private NGO ‘AKAH’ with support from the Forest Department, Ghizer.

The residents from Thangdas to Goharabad have demanded that law enforcement agencies swiftly apprehend the perpetrators and punish them according to the law.

It is pertinent to note that valuable equipment from the Das Japukay Lift Irrigation’s electric transformer was also stolen earlier, however, the perpetrators remain at large.

The residents of Goharabad, Gitch, Singul, and Thingdas villages of Middle Punial have demanded that authorities promptly repair the affected machinery to prevent the loss of thousands of trees planted at the Fitidas Goharabad.

News and images courtesy: Dekhtay raho TV

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