Ideology and its significance

This entry discusses the meaning of the term ‘ideology’ and its importance for a nation. You can also access a Powerpoint presentation and Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) in connection with the definition and significance of ideology at the end.    What does the term ‘ideology’ mean? Word ‘ideo’ means Ideas. Word ‘logy’ means study, science….

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Issues and Strengths of Pakistan’s relationship with India

This article discusses the strengths and issues in Pakistan-India relations.  Brief Introduction India and Pakistan emerged as two independent states in 1947 as a result of the Partition of the Indian Subcontinent. With partition, the British rule in India came to an end. However, their departure in haste left behind serious issues that exist between…

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Religious and Cultural Festivals of Pakistan

Pakistan is a multicultural country with Islam as the dominant religion. Consequently, a number of cultural and religious festivals are being celebrated with great fervor. This article presents a brief but comprehensive description of the major festivals of Pakistan.  What is a festival? The term ‘festival’ refers to an event or day that a religious,…

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Society and Culture of Pakistan

This article discusses key concepts and terms related to culture and society.  With that, it also discusses the main features of Pakistani society and the factors responsible for the promotion of national integration and cohesion. Main concepts and terms Culture Narrowly culture refers to the way or style of living of a people. In a…

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The Concept of Good Governance

This article addresses the question, ‘what is good governance?’. It also attempts to address another related question, ‘What are factors that help measure good governance?’  What does the term ‘governance’ refer to?  Governance refers to the way or the manner in which a government governs or administers a state. Governance can be good or bad….

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