
Natural Resources and their Importance

Natural resources have a huge significance in the economic development of any nation. In this article, I will discuss Pakistan’s natural resources and their importance in a tabular form. What are the natural resources? Natural resources are very important for the economic development of any country. The countries with natural resources can be among the…

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Human Activities and Their Impact on Climate

This post discusses the impact of human activities on climate. Major human activities influencing climate include industrialization, agricultural practices, deforestation, etc. Human Activities and their impact on Pollution Industrialization The term ‘Industrialization’ refers to the establishment of more and more industries in any place. Industries are the main source of air, land, and water pollution….

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Factors that Influence the Climate of Pakistan

This post discusses the important factors which influence the climate of Pakistan and shape what it is.    Background The climate of Pakistan varies from one place to another. There are four main types of climate in the country i.e. highland climate, low land climate, arid climate, and coastal climate. There are a number of…

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Women Harassment at Workplace, Urgent Call for Practical Measures

Climatic Regions of Pakistan

This article describes the main climatic regions of Pakistan.  What does the term climatic region/zone refer to? Climatologists classify the climate of a country into categories. More or less similar climates of different places within a country are placed under a common category. For example, in Pakistan climate of northern, north-western, and western mountainous areas…

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Importance of Rivers for Pakistan

A river is a body of water that flows from high altitude areas, passes through plains, and finally falls into the sea as a result of gravitational force. Rivers are important as they play an important role in creating a balance in the environment to the fulfillment of different human needs. This article briefly describes…

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