
Problems of National Integration and Cohesion

This article analyzes problems associated with building national cohesion and integration in Pakistan. Introduction  National integration has remained an issue in almost all post-colonial countries including Pakistan. (Hashmi 2014). Unlike the developed world, the under-developed nations do not adopt planned policies and strategies acceptable to all ethnic, lingual, sectarian, or racial groups. (Tabbasum 2020). As…

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National Integration and Cohesion in Pakistan

This article explains the concepts ‘national integration’ and ‘national cohesion’ the factors responsible for their promotion. The article also discusses the importance of national cohesion and integration. What does the term ‘national integration’ refer to? The term ‘national integration refers to the process of binding a people of society into one nation. Ghanni (2018) as…

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Pervez Musharraf’s Economic Policy – Main Features and Impact

This article is about the main features of Pervez Musharraf’s economic policy that he had adopted during his rule from 1999 to 2008.  What were the main features of Pervez Musharraf’s economic policy?   The salient features of Musharraf’s economic policy included liberalization, privatization, foreign direct investment, industrialization, improvement of irrigation and transportation system. 1. Liberalization …

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Economic Policy of Zia-ul-Haq – Main features

This post discusses Zia-ul-Haq’s economic policy that he adopted during his rule in Pakistan from 1977 to 1988.   What were the main features of Zia-ul-Haq’s Economic Policy?  The salient features of Zia-ul-Haq’s economic policy were as follows:   1. Privatization General Zia ul Haq reversed the nationalization process undertaken by Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. He returned the…

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Aga Khan University Examination Board (AKU-EB) offers Online Exam Preparation for Students.

Aga Khan University Examination Board (AKU-EB) in collaboration with Knowledge Platform, KP offers an online exam preparation program for its students. Known as the AKU-EB EXAM PREP 2022, the program is for only one month.  The students of the Secondary School Certificate  (SSC) and the Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSSC), whether affiliated with AKU-EB or…

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