Hungary Government Scholarship2025-2026 for international Students

Hungary Government Scholarships 2025-2026: Apply for the fully-funded Hungary Government Scholarships 2025-2026, also known as Stipendium Hungaricum 2025, which are available for BA/BSC, MA/MSC, and Ph.D. degree programs. This is one of the best opportunities to study in Hungary for free with a fully financed Hungarian Scholarship.  Advantages of studying in Hungary The advantages of…

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The Concept of the Life Hereafter and Day of Judgement اسلام میں عقیدہ آخرت و قیامت

This article defines the meaning of belief in the hereafter and day of judgement in Islam and discusses its importance in personal and collective life. It also differentiates between   The Literal meaning of Akhirah: آخرت کے لغوی معنی  آخرت کے لغوی معنی ہیں بعد میں ہونے والی یاآخری چیز۔جبکہ آخرت کے مقابلے میں لفظ دنیا…

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Concept of Angels in Islam فرشتوں پر ایمان

This article defines the concept of angels in Islam; explains its importance; talks about important angels and their role. The article also explains how angels implement the commandments of Allah Almighty.  لفظ ملائیکہ’ ملک ‘ کی جمع ہے ۔ ملک فر شتے کو کہتے ہیں جو اللہ کی نوری مخلوقات ہیں یعنی اللہ نے انھیں…

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Religion as Belief system and Social Institution

This article defines and describes the concept of religion as a belief system and social institution. What is religion as a social institution?  Religion as a social institution refers to a unified system of belief system, practices, symbols, roles, rituals, etc. revolving around belief in supernatural powers. It acts as a framework for the daily…

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The characteristics of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

This article gives a brief but comprehensive account of the characteristics of the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as the last messenger of Allah.   Characteristics of the prophet Muhammad (PBUH)    زیر نظر تحریر میں آنحضرت ﷺ  کی نمایاں خصوصیات  مختصر مگر جامع انداز میں بیان کی گئیں ہیں۔   Prophethood for mankind: ا۔ رسول اللہ ﷺ تمام…

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The Concept of Messenger of Allah, عقیدہ رسالت

This article defines the words “messenger of Allah and ‘risalat’ in both literal and Islamic perspectives followed by a discussion on the characteristics of ‘risalat’ in Islam.  Literal meaning of the messenger of Allah(Rasool) : رسول کے لغوی معنی رسول کا لفظ ’رسل‘ سے نکلا ہے۔ جس کے لغوی معنی ہیں پیغام پہنچانے والا۔ اللہ…

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