Zahira Gohar from Goharabad, Punial, Ghizer completes her doctoral studies at Nanjing University, China.

Dr. Zahira Gohar , Ph.D scholar from Goharabad Punial, Ghizer, G-B

Zahira Gohar, a resident of Goharabad valley of Punial Ghizer Gilgit-Baltistan successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis last month on May 26, 2022, which she wrote under the supervision of Professor Fengyun Wang at Nanjing University of Sciences and Technology, China.

Zahira Gohar is probably the first Ph.D. scholar in Chemical Engineering from Gilgit-Baltistan.

Nanjing University (NJU), from where Zahira Gohar did her Ph.D., is considered one of the top-tier universities in China and one of the first to enroll international students in China.

Dr. Zahira Gohar completed her secondary and intermediate education at Aga Khan Higher Secondary School, Ghakuch. After her intermediate in pre-engineering, she got admission to Dawood University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi where she completed her MS in Chemical Engineering.

She is the author of a number of research papers, which she wrote as part of her Ph.D. studies, published by reputable international journals

She was selected for MS in Chemical Engineering leading to a doctorate degree at Nanjing University on Chinese Government Scholarships for international students in 2015.

Zahira thanks her parents for their love, unconditional support, prayers, and sacrifices throughout her educational and Ph.D. journey. She also thanks her brothers and sister for their support and valuable prayers.

Zahira Gohar is a sister of Noor Akbar Gohar, a prominent social and education activist from Gilgit-Baltistan.

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