Tehsildar Tariq Lalik Jan Inspects Damaged Irrigation Channel in Goharabad Punial, Promises Swift Action

Tehsildar Tariq Lalik Jan Inspects Damaged Irrigation Channel Site, Promises Swift Action

Goharabad (Hussain Gohar): Tehsildar Tariq Lalik Jan Sub-division Punial visited the damaged irrigation channel in Goharabad on Thursday, promising to address serious concerns over the recurring issues faced by the local agricultural community.

The water channel, crucial for irrigation purposes, has been consistently damaged, posing a significant threat to the livelihoods of the villagers.

The damage to the water channel is attributed to the construction work on the Gilgit-Shandur Expressway.

Throw of debris during the construction work has resulted in frequent disruptions to the water channel, severely impacting the agricultural activities in the village.

Throughout the year 2023, the continuous blockage of irrigation water has led to substantial agricultural losses for the residents of Goharabad. This small valley is renowned for its production of tomatoes, vegetables, and various other agricultural goods, serving as a vital distribution hub for the district and beyond.

It is noteworthy that Goharabad faced a similar crisis in 2022 when the water channel was severely damaged due to a massive landslide in the Japukey nullah. The repercussions of that incident are still being felt by the farmers, and the recent damages have only intensified their struggles.

Local farmers are now urging the government and the local administration to address the issue promptly and rebuild the water channel.

The inhabitants of Goharabad are hopeful that swift action will allow them to resume their agricultural activities starting from February next year.

The situation demands urgent attention to prevent further economic losses and to sustain the vital role that Goharabad plays in the agricultural landscape of the region.

Tehsildar Tariq Lalik Jan is being briefed about the difficulties faced by farmers owing to damage of Goharabad irrigation water channel

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