Internet service disrupted across Gilgit-Baltistan

Internet services across G-B is disrupted due to heavy rains

Gilgit (C.R. Akbar Shah): Gilgit-Baltistan is facing degradation in internet and cellular services as bad weather damages optical fiber cables at different places.

According to a public service message by Special Communication Organization (SCO), its optical fiber cable has been damaged between Naran and Chillas at multiple places due to heavy rains and landslides potentially causing a disturbance in 4G services.

The only telecom company providing mobile and internet service in G-B has regretted the inconvenience and and expressed its hope to restore all the services at the earliest.

Disruption in internet service has become a rule rather than an exception in Gilgit-Baltistan. Instead of fixing the problem, SCOM unsuccessfully attempts to satisfy its users with false promises to ensure efficient service delivery.

The people are fed off with the worst kind of service delivery by SCOM which has maintained a monopoly in G-B by using its strong influence in the region.

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