HRCP Fact-Finding Team explores ways to engage with Diamir people

Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP)

A fact-finding comittee of the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) held a meeting with Arshad Hussain, Chief Executive Officer, Digital Diamir, to find ways to engage with the people of the Diamir district of Gilgit-Baltistan.

The fact-finding team included Salima Ghazi and Nadeem Abbas along with Israruddin Israr, co-ordinator HRCP, GB, and Zuhaira, Complaint officer HRCP GB. Overall political, economic, and social status of the Diamir district including children’s education, health, tourism, etc. came under discussion.

HRCP fact-finding team also discussed with Arshad Hussain the possible ways to engage with the people of Diamir in connection with the promotion of human rights and improvement in the standard of life of common people.

HRCP expressed its interest in helping people to voice for better facilities in the area.

Meeting discussed possibilities for collaboration with the local people and their representation in the policies and reports of HRCP

Talking to Ibex Times, Arshad Hussain said HRCP has expressed its will to conduct special workshops and other activities aimed at developing the skills of the people of Diamir. Moreover, the rights organization would voice for better facilities and developed infrastructure in the district.

Efforts of HRCP will go in a long way to make Diamir an enlightened, prosperous, and developed district of Gilgit-Baltistan further stated Arshad Hussain.

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