AWP opposes trial of civilians in military courts

Karachi (PR): In a statement issued to media on Sunday, president AWP (Awami Workers Party), Pakistan has severely criticized the trial of civilians in military courts calling it ultra-right fascism.

According to the statement, Federal President AWP Pakistan has expressed his concern on the high-handedness, inhuman and coercive tactics employed by the law enforcement agencies against political workers.

The statement also opposes trial of civilians allegedly involved in violent incidents, and arson in military courts.

The military establishment should refrain from political engineering, crack down on political workers and third-degree torture on PTI workers, demanded the statement.

The statement has further demanded the law enforcement agencies and security apparatus must act within their constitutional limits and four corners of the law.

According to the statement, AWP believes in rule of law, constitutional and civilian supremacy, strong democratic institutions and implementation of fundamental human rights.

Though AWP has persistently opposed the undemocratic attitude and fascist approach of PTI, it also vehemently opposes the repressive, and coercive tactics used against political workers, their families, and the trial of civilians in military courts, said the statement.

We are of the considered view that anyone who has committed any offense should be tried in ordinary courts under the relevant laws, he further observed in the statement, said Akhtar Hussain.

He has further added that AWP also criticizes the opportunism of the ruling class parties’ for seeking help from and depending on the military establishment for power and for their vested interests and shifting loyalties.

These parties are least concerned about the burgeoning issues of the working class and working people and have no programme to address the gigantic economic and political crises, said the statement.

We appreciate the courage of the youth bulge who out of frustration and influenced by populist narrative are standing up against the powerful establishment, but without any structural change agenda in the current outdated system, he observes in the statement.

He has demand the PDM government and the establishment to come out of the stranglehold of US-led imperialist powers and their financial institutions and take concrete steps to bring the country out of the deep economic crisis.

The president AWP Pakistan has further demanded the government to reduce defense and non-productive budget, strengthen diplomatic, trade, and economic relations and regional economic arrangements with neighbouring countries like China, India, Iran, Turkey, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Middle East, and Central Asia.

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