CM G-B Khalid Khurshid in his special message on Intel Labor Day wishes prosperity for the working class

Chief Minister Gilgit-Baltistan Muhammad Khalid Khurshid in his special message on International Labor Day wishes prosperity for working class

Gilgit (PR) In his message issued to the media regarding International Labor Day, Chief Minister Gilgit-Baltistan Khalid Khurshid has said pledged to take measures for the protection of the rights of the working class.

May 1 reminds us of the sacrifices, bravery, and determination of the workers who laid down their lives to uphold their basic rights and a fair working environment, said the statement.

In his statement, Khalid Khurshid said Islam emphasizes the implementation of the principles of social justice and respecting the rights of workers. The sayings of the Prophet (PBUH) teach us to pay fair compensation and ensure fair treatment of the working class, further added the statement.

Chief Minister Gilgit-Baltistan Khalid Khurshid said that Labor Day symbolizes the workers’ greatness and gives us an opportunity to acknowledge the invaluable services of our workers within the country and outside.

The chief minister has expressed his determination to ensure that the working-class benefits from economic development. We are aware of our responsibilities towards them, said the statement. He also wished prosperity for the working class across the country.

In his statement, Chief Minister Khalid Khurshid stated that Gilgit-Baltistan is the first province to have approved the social protection policy for the safeguarding of the rights of workers. Ensuring the full protection of workers’ rights in Gilgit-Baltistan in the future is one of our government’s top priorities, and we are taking strong steps in this regard, said the statement.

According to the statement, Chief Minister Gilgit-Baltistan Khalid Khursheed prayed to Allah to help us do our best for the prosperity of our workers and the country.

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