Development and Promotion of Regional Languages in Pakistan

There are approximately 70 languages spoken in different regions in Pakistan.  Among these 70 languages, 66 are indigenous and spoken as the first language. The major regional languages of Pakistan include Punjabi, Saraiki, Sindhi, Barohi, Pashto, Hindko, Shina, Khowar, Kasmiri, Balti, etc. This article discusses the steps taken for the development and promotion of regional…

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Speeches of Mr. Jinnah and Dr. Allama Iqbal

This article summarizes three speeches of Jinnah and Iqbal that they made on different occasions concerning the Two-nation Theory.  These speeches include Dr. Allama Iqbal’s 1930 Allahabad address and Mr. Jinnah’s 1946 address at Islamia College, Peshawar plus his 1940 Lahore address.   Summary of Allama Iqbal’s Allahabad Speech Allama Muhammad Iqbal addressed the 22nd annual…

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Factors Responsible for Setting up of an Industry in an Area

There are many factors that require due consideration before the industrial establishment of any kind in any place.  These factors include the availability of capital, labor, raw material, access to market, transportation facilities, power supply, government policy, etc. Following are some of the important factors that influence the industrial establishment in any place: Availability of…

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First International flight to land of Gilgit-Baltistan on August 14

Two Nation Theory – Origin and Evolution

This article traces the origin and evolution of the Two-Nation Theory.  For this purpose, the article provides a chronological account of the Socioeconomic and political conditions that Indian Muslims had to face in the aftermath Indian Revolt 1857.  Origin of Two-National Theory The origin of the Two-Nation Theory is traced to the post-1857 Indian Revolt…

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Components of Pakistan Ideology

Pakistan came into being in the name of Islam. Therefore, guiding principles of Islam i.e. equality, social justice, minority rights, etc. form components of Pakistan Ideology. This article discusses the components of the Pakistan ideology in light of Quranic verses and other Islamic literature. The sovereignty of Allah Almighty The Islamic concept of Sovereignty of…

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Ideology and its significance

This entry discusses the meaning of the term ‘ideology’ and its importance for a nation. You can also access a Powerpoint presentation and Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) in connection with the definition and significance of ideology at the end.    What does the term ‘ideology’ mean? Word ‘ideo’ means Ideas. Word ‘logy’ means study, science….

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Importance of Pakistan Studies as a subject

This entry sheds light on the significance of Pakistan Studies as a subject in understanding the origin, creation, and development of Pakistan”. When and why Pakistan Studies was introduced as a separate subject? Pakistan Studies was introduced as a compulsory subject along with Islamiat at the Secondary and Higher Secondary level during the Bhutto regime…

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Issues and Strengths of Pakistan’s relationship with India

This article discusses the strengths and issues in Pakistan-India relations.  Brief Introduction India and Pakistan emerged as two independent states in 1947 as a result of the Partition of the Indian Subcontinent. With partition, the British rule in India came to an end. However, their departure in haste left behind serious issues that exist between…

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